Accolades Continue For Jamie Kent’s “All American Mutt”
Rolling Stone Ranks Single Among 25 Best Country Songs of 2016
NASHVILLE – Jamie Kent closes out the year with one of the most coveted spots in the industry, as his single “All American Mutt” is named one of the 25 Best Country Songs of 2016 by Rolling Stone.
Marissa Moss writes, “Packed with a funky vamp, splashes of fast-picking twang and a pop sensibility that Jason Mraz would admire, Kent focuses on the differences that describe but don't define us. And who else can mention Buddhists in a country song?”
In November, Kent debuted on the Billboard Country Albums chart at No. 16 with All American Mutt -- the only independent country album in the Top 20. Leading up to the release, he received the prestigious DISCovery Award from MusicRow’s Robert K. Oermann, who described the single as “a rootsy, rollicking, harmonica-punctuated track with a very cool lyric about tolerance and diversity.” Kent also partnered with Nantahala Brewing Co. to create a limited-edition amber ale called All American Mutt Ale.
A Massachusetts native who now lives in Nashville, Kent has approached his music career with an entirely different business model, opting to form a grassroots group of fans called The Collective in lieu of a label deal. He also chose to forgo traditional avenues of digital distribution including iTunes and Spotify. Produced by Dave Brainard (Brandy Clark), All American Mutt is only available for purchase on

For a copy of
All American Mutt
and to schedule interviews with Jamie Kent contact:
Katharine Richardson
(615) 970-7474