7 Cinematics, Scott Avett and Dolphus Ramseur Live Panel on WHO KNEW The Smartest People In The Room

Join us Monday, October 12, register today for the free live event.

With COVID seemingly here to stay, the impact of the pandemic has decimated the live music industry. But there are some great events that are taking place that go way beyond an artist strumming a guitar in his/her bedroom. 

We are thrilled to present this trio of highly accomplished music industry players as they talk about their approach to making lemonade from these pandemic lemons. 

Please join us and learn about how the Avett Brothers planned and executed a sold-out live streaming event at the Charlotte Motor Speedway. This was one of the first drive-in concerts combined with a Nugs.net live stream that was super successful and proof that this new hybrid show can work to launch an album and provide fans around the world with an awesome experience. Our guests are:

  • Scott Avett - founding member of the Avett Brothers

  • Dolphus Ramseur - manager of the Avett Brothers

  • Adam Paul - owner of 7 Cinematics and production partner for The Avett Brothers

They will discuss the creation of the event, the value generated, how they pivoted to make this work in the current environment, the safety protocols, how they are using the video footage and social media from the event to make the music video for the single from the record.

Monday, October 12 at 2:00 pm EDT/11:00 am PDT.

FREE, but you must register by clicking below. 

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Kate Richardson

Partner | Richlynn Group



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