The Cold Stares Roar with New Single “Sleeping With Lions” Full Album Mountain Out October 31, 2018

ESPN and TNT Licensed Track

Evansville, IN…“Sleeping with Lions,” The Cold Stares’ the debut track from the album Mountain, is roaring onto the rock scene with featured placements on TV and streaming platforms. ESPN selected the song for their fall broadcasts of The X Games, and TNT featured it on their super popular Animal Kingdom series with Ellen Barkin.  Radio and streaming platforms like Spotify are pouncing on the track adding Sleeping with Lions to over a dozen editorial playlists, which delights frontman, Chris Tapp. “We have been fortunate to have few of our songs land in Commercials, TV and film this year which is so gratifying, but there is nothing like watching the streaming numbers shoot up daily,” he said. “We are blown away with the response of fans that are connecting to the song.” 

Tapp and his bandmate, Brian Mullins think Sleeping with Lions is the perfect representation of them as a band. “It's riff rock, but it's not ‘throwback rock.’ The lyrics are story based and poetic,” Mullins said as a nod to Tapp, the writer of the song. “It stays simple and to the point, catchy without being over complicated.”

Tapp, a cancer survivor that had to battle his way through years of treatment wrote “Sleeping with Lions” while he was going through that fight.  He recalls really being able to relate to Daniel in the lions’ den in the Bible, so he wrote it from the perspective of the trial of his lifetime.  

The full album Mountain, will be released on October 31, 2018 on OurFans record. The Cold Stares had done a Kickstarter for the album in August and had met their goal just seven days in. The album was produced by Chris and Brian and features fifteen tracks Chris wrote during his 2012-2014 battle with cancer.The band decided to release the tracks that they had in the vault from that time period now, prior to moving on with their next album with producer Mark Needham titled “Ways” which will be recorded and released summer of 2019. 

Review copies of the record are available upon request or

Hear “Sleeping with Lions” here:

About The Cold Stares
Formed in 2010, after Chris Tapp and Brian Mullins had spent a number of years in other bands, the two found that playing together resulted in the perfect combination of hard rocking, story-based rock and roll that is sung from the soul. In 2014, they signed with Mark Needham's MAN label (Pink, Imagine Dragons, Fleetwood Mac, The Killers) where they delivered two successful EP’s. The PBS documentary “Look over Yonder Hill” about the duo also came out at that time and was met with critical acclaim. This garnered significant attention for The Cold Stares and resulted in them signing with Small Stone Records who released "Head Bent" in June 2017 to excellent world wide reviews.

Tapp’s unique guitar rig, along with Mullin’s giant bass drum provides a visual and sonic landscape that often makes the listener swear there are more players in the mix. It is really just the magic of two extraordinary musicians that are meant to play together. Fans from the Viper Room in Hollywood to Pianos in New York City have embraced the distinctive sound of The Cold Stares. Back in the states after a quick group of summer shows in Europe, The Cold Stares are looking forward to the release of Mountain on Halloween 2018.


Kate Richardson
(615) 970-7474

Garry Fitch