Media Alert: Why the Voices of Singers Like Adele, John Mayer and Keith Urban Are Stilled
Interview Opportunity
Susan Carr is available for interviews to discuss how performers can avoid common costly and often career-limiting vocal mistakes leading to cancelled concerts and vocal surgery.
Renowned vocalist and voice instructor for over 30 years,
reveals on her celebrated singing techniques in her instructional DVD and new iPhone app,
The Art of Screaming-Create Your Own Vocal Warm-up
, allowing artists to create their desired sounds night after night in performances without hurting their voices and thereby extending their singing life.
Susan talks about:
• How recording artists can avoid surgery with proper vocal technique
• How basic to extreme singers (those that scream) can preserve their vocal health
• Exercises for those who have injured their voices
• How singers should treat their voices like vocal instruments that need proper tuning and conditioning like any athlete properly prepares for competition
More on Susan Carr:
Susan Carr, together with her son Wolf Carr, teaches acclaimed Seattle, Portland and Los Angeles musicians how to produce the sounds they want, protect their voices, and develop their singing stamina. Susan and Wolf's students have received many accolades including Grammy Nominations. Their list of clients include: Modest Mouse, The Fleet Foxes, Mastodon, Alice in Chains, Minus the Bear, Yacht, Biohazard, Grizzly Bear, Yob, and Sunny Day Real Estate.
More about
The Art of Screaming-Create Your Own Vocal Warm-up:
Many musicians struggle with challenges: a hoarse voice, throat pain, loss of falsetto, or difficulty in trying to hit high notes.
The Art of Screaming-Create Your Own Vocal Warm-up
addresses these concerns with an
, by providing the busy on-the-go musician access to comprehensive singing lessons wherever or whenever they need them. The user-friendly, professional app makes the artist feel as if they have a vocal coach in the room with them. For additional information, please visit:
The Art of Screaming-Create Your Own Vocal Warm-up
app is now available for only
at the